Welcome to my blog!

I decided to blog after finding out I was pregnant for the first time and thought it’d be fun. The main thing I wanted to do was document how my style evolved as my body changed and got bigger and bigger! Now baby Henry has arrived it's become a bit of a baby diary although I'll still try and add some post pregnancy clothes pics and other bits and bobs!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Back in the skinnies!

Finally I am able to fit into my fave pair of skinny jeans for a lunch date with a friend. 
Henry is now weighing in at 7lb 5oz and is much more alert! We are getting lots of smiles and a bit more sleep. He is settling from about 9/10 pm till 2am but then he is up every hour wanting feeding! I cannot wait for the day I get a full night of unbroken sleep!!
I've started giving him some tummy time on his play gym and he is already lifting up his neck. Clever boy!
Unfortunately he has developed a rash on his face and neck. Health visitor says it's nothing to worry about and has prescribed him some cream so fingers crossed it'll clear up soon!

Checking out his reflection....

Tummy time! 

Ready for a lunch date...

Saturday 22 June 2013

Holly's baby shower lunch

My friend Holly is due to give birth this week so I spent the afternoon with the girls (and Henry) having lunch at www.oesterestaurant.com
Henry was on his best behaviour and only woke up for a quick feed! Have been so lucky with him while out and about, he's good as gold. 
Fashion choices are limited when breast feeding so wore one of my new 'breast feeding friendly' blouses and skinny jeans. 

Thursday 20 June 2013

Back to work!

I took Henry into work this week which was lovely.  Was only meant to stay for an hour but ended up there for nearly 4!
It was great seeing everyone and the students got to see Henry before their exam. Let's hope he is a good luck charm and they all get grade As!
Henry has had lots of play dates already and loves his best pal Oliver....

Friday 14 June 2013

Sleepless nights

The last few nights have been pretty horrendous regarding the lack of sleep but last night we turned a corner. Been topping up Henry's feeds with expressed milk and it seems to get him to sleep longer. 
Midwife was worried he wasn't putting on enough weight :-( but last time he was weighed he'd put on 2 ounces so we are on the up!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Lunch date with Henry

Can't believe Henry is nearly 3 weeks old and in that time it's been non stop with people visiting, lunch dates and mid wife appointments. 
Also went shopping with the two grannies as I realised that hardly any of my wardrobe is breast feeding friendly! Bought a few blouse/shirts from good old Primarni including this one which is actually a man's shirt!!

Sunday 2 June 2013

No time to post!

Well it's been 11 days since Henry arrived and I've not had chance to post much. So here's a bit of an update. Feeding is going well and he is sleeping for chunks of time in the night. Last night he fed at 2am then 6.30am then 9.30 so I reckon I got quite a bit of sleep! However midwife is saying I need to wake him to feed him in the night! As if! Sleep is precious and Henry seems happy as am I because I can function in the day!
We've had loads of visitors and Henry has been given loads of gifts! He is very lucky.