Welcome to my blog!

I decided to blog after finding out I was pregnant for the first time and thought it’d be fun. The main thing I wanted to do was document how my style evolved as my body changed and got bigger and bigger! Now baby Henry has arrived it's become a bit of a baby diary although I'll still try and add some post pregnancy clothes pics and other bits and bobs!

Monday 28 January 2013

One skirt, two outfits!

Out for a cheeky pub lunch at the Rigbye Arms.
Captain Jack is totally trying to hog my picture.

A few quick pics of my new favourite skirt that I've been wearing to death.

£7 Primark special. 

Bought it two sizes too big so it goes right over the bump.


Saturday 19 January 2013

Farewell black work trousers!

Uh oh, my black work trousers that I wear all the time are no longer fitting! Will have to make a section in my wardrobe for post pregnancy clothes.
Bump is starting to show....

Sunday 13 January 2013

First week back at work!

This week has gone sooooooo slowly but hey, only 4 weeks till half term. Someone at work informed me that 'your baby will be here in 19 weeks'...yikes, haven't really thought about how soon that is!! 19 weeks sounds super close and we haven't even thought about buying anything yet!

As if we don't have enough on our plate, work started on our two storey extension this week and on day 1 we came across a problem which has resulted in us being over budget already. Won't bore you with building stuff, that's husbands domain!

Oh well, it needs to be done as the nursery will be part of our revamped house....we're thinking of a Mr Men/ Little Miss theme...not really a fan of Mamas and Papas. I'm also banning pastels. So it's going to be bright colours all round with (hopefully) an artist friend of mine doing a mural on one of the walls....I'll post photos once its done.

Anyway, on to my favourite outfit this week. Inspired by the film Clueless (amazing film!)...rocking a cute kilt, brogues and matching coat with a splash of animal print!

Saturday 12 January 2013

Cheeky city break

Had a fab time in York with the hubby in between Christmas and New Year. Stayed at http://www.cedarcourtgrand.co.uk/ 
Gorgeous hotel...would highly recommend. Great staff, nice spa, good restaurant (The Grill Room).

Still getting into my favourite A&F skinny jeans....yay!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Favourite Christmas presents!

Even though my husband hates them, he bought me these funky brothel creepers as part of my Christmas present...

As much as I hate to say it, they will be comfortable in a few months when I'm waddling around like Humpty Dumpty!

And this bracelet is bringing out the 'emo' in me!


So after the pregnancy sickness, the cold and the baby scare I woke up on the weekend of the 15th December feeling fantastic ready for anything. But all that changed pretty soon.
Captain Jack (my first baby) had his appointment with his dog groomer who comes round every few months in her grooming van. As usual she takes him to the van at the front of the house but ten minutes later returns at the door with him dripping wet.
‘Gill, we can’t groom him’ she says.
‘Why not?’ I reply.
‘He’s covered in fleas’ she says.
Well, my face was a picture. I nearly died and what else could a pregnant person do with news like this? That’s right, burst out crying! I was absolutely mortified…
‘I feel like a scrubber’ I cried to the groomer.
‘The poshest people have dogs with fleas Gill, it’s really not a big deal’ she says.
Not that big a deal?? Good God woman I’m going to have to fumigate the house!
Anyway, Captain Jack, oblivious to his mum having a breakdown, was whisked up to the bathroom by Andrew and washed using flea shampoo while I rung my mum (as you do in a crisis) sobbing that ‘something awful had happened’. Mum panicked thinking something had happened to the baby but as soon as I wailed ‘Jack’s got fleas’ she realized that actually ‘something awful’ hadn’t happened it was just her daughter over reacting.
‘It’s like your child having nits’ I wailed to my mum.
Well in about 5 years you’ll have that to deal with too’ she replied cheerily. Cheers mum.
Needless to say she came with me to Pets at Home to load up on flea control products. I managed to get over a hundred pounds worth of products in my basket before some lovely sales assistant came over and questioned what the heck I was doing.
‘My dogs got fleas’ I cried. ‘And I’m pregnant so can I use any of these things?
He looked at me like I was a woman possessed then preceded to remove every item from the basket and put them back on the shelf.
‘You need this, this and this’ he said, saving me about 70 pounds in the process. We then got a lecture in fleas and how to get rid of them which resulted in me crying every time he mentioned ‘eggs’, ‘larvae’ and ‘bites’ and mum asking him ‘have you got a PHD in fleas?’
Anyway, that weekend was spent de flea-ing Captain Jack and boil washing every bit of soft furnishing from the house, spraying every nook and cranny and binning a lot of stuff which to be honest was just too difficult for me to clean (bean bags, laundry basket, etc).
The house was the cleanest it’s been since we moved in, leading Andrew to announce
‘I hope Jack gets fleas more often if it means you’ll clean this well’.  Cheeky sod.

War of the Worlds, Cupcakes and Pregnancy scares!

So many things have happened in December so I’m going to try and remember them and post some pictures..I’ve been so rubbish with this blogging malarkey. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to blog more often…inspired by a copy of Company magazine I read recently which featured loads of blogs and bloggers.
So, December started off without pregnancy sickness (yay!) but with a horrific cold (boo!) which wiped me out completely.  People had been saying that the baby is taking all my ‘goodness’…well that was certainly the case…I felt dreadful!
The first weekend of December was when I properly got my appetite back so the hubby and I went out to Panam http://www.panambarliverpool.co.uk/in Liverpool for a meal and then watched War of the Worlds http://www.thewaroftheworlds.com/.
Keeping warm with my 5 layers on!
Unfortunately I was knackered and fell asleep 3 times during the show..oops! Considering everyone raves about how amazing War of the Worlds is I was less than impressed. Jeff Wayne seems to have made a fortune off about 4 pieces of music that are just constantly repeated throughout the show! 
Work was difficult around this time as I was full of a cold and tired and struggled to keep a class of 16+ year olds entertained every day!!  The end of term is in sight!
The week after, a good friend of mine Emma had booked us in for a cupcake decorating class. Now, my fingers are like Cumberland sausages so anything that is fiddly to do is not done well by me. Anyway, after lots of laughs and perseverance look what I produced..Impressive eh?

Inspired by the cupcake making, the husband and I took his mum and dad out for afternoon tea At Cloud 23 http://www.cloud23bar.com/for her birthday. Stupidly I didn’t mention I was pregnant and when the food came out a lot of it was not pregnancy friendly (stilton, smoked salmon, etc.) I was gutted but at least I had all the cakes to eat although actually my sweet tooth has disappeared quite a bit since getting pregnant. Craving more savoury stuff than sweet…especially salt and vinegar crisps!
my favourite boots ever!
Love this outfit but i think it's more a summer outfit, not sure if pink chinos are appropriate in Winter!
Mid December was quite traumatic for us…I had a phone call from the midwife while I was at work who had the results of our quad test. High levels of AFP hormone had been detected in my blood which we were told could mean the baby had a spinal or brain defect so I would have to go in for a scan the next day to check.  So there I am, sat at my desk on my lunch break being told this news over the phone.  A horrible experience to say the least! Bless my work mates who dealt with my crying and sobbing very well and my head of department who sent me home straight away!
Anyway, we went for the scan and the wonderful consultant looked at the baby again in lots of detail and said he could not find anything that would indicate a spinal or brain defect. However, he did say he was going to do all our scans from now on just to be on the safe side. Phew!