Welcome to my blog!

I decided to blog after finding out I was pregnant for the first time and thought it’d be fun. The main thing I wanted to do was document how my style evolved as my body changed and got bigger and bigger! Now baby Henry has arrived it's become a bit of a baby diary although I'll still try and add some post pregnancy clothes pics and other bits and bobs!

Saturday 23 November 2013

The Lakes, Lunches and Lurgy!

Had a hectic few weeks as usual. Aside from the baby groups, Henry went to Bents with his Auntie Becky, Nan and Gran and met Father Christmas! It's got me so excited for Christmas!
We were out for lunch A LOT at Billinge Garden Centre, Cedar Farm, The Drunken Duck and The Three Fishes. God knows how I am going to shift this jelly belly with all the food I am consuming!

Henry was also at the doctors after picking up hand, foot and mouth virus :-( It's the first time he has caught anything apart from a cold but he didn't seem ill and thankfully it didn't affect his eating and sleeping! 
Which reminds me, he was 6 months old exactly this week so we put him in his own room. Felt really sad about it because my baby is growing up!!
I also gave up breast feeding this week, another thing I feel sad about but I feel 6 months is definitely enough. So it's hello to normal bras again! Yay! 


Wednesday 13 November 2013

Loving the preppy look

Went for a preppy look today. Need to get back to the USA where Abercrombie and Fitch stuff is waaaaaay cheaper than over here!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Nearly 6 months!

The wee man is nearly 6 months old and I can't believe how fast that time has gone. I keep saying every night once we've put Henry to bed that I'll write my blog and every night I forget because by the time I've cooked dinner, ate dinner, stacked the dishwasher, done the never ending laundry, put clothes away, etc. etc. I decide I want an early night! 
But I am going to start it up again. 

So what have we been doing in the last few months? 
Henry's social life is much better than mine what with 'baby sensory', 'rhyme time' and swimming every week. Add to that, afternoons with the grandparents and lunches out with friends we have a pretty hectic week! 
We managed to squeeze a holiday to Portugal in too...

and we've started weaning.... 

And I had a cheeky weekend away with the girls for Emma's hen do...