Welcome to my blog!

I decided to blog after finding out I was pregnant for the first time and thought it’d be fun. The main thing I wanted to do was document how my style evolved as my body changed and got bigger and bigger! Now baby Henry has arrived it's become a bit of a baby diary although I'll still try and add some post pregnancy clothes pics and other bits and bobs!

Friday 30 November 2012

First sober wedding!

So last weekend was a first...I attended our friends wedding and didn't drink alcohol! It was a very different experience to all the other weddings I've attended that have ended up in drunken carnage! Luckily my friend Caz was on hand to be sober with as she is pregnant too (due end of January). Wedding was lovely but I was fighting tiredness by 11pm and ended up in bed by 11.30pm! Rock and roll.

Check out our wedding outfits...it was a black tie vintage Hollywood themed wedding so we glammed up and all the lads scrubbed up well looking like Bond in their tuxedos!

Although you can't see on these photos due to the pattern on my Lipsy VIP dress, my bump is starting to show a little...although it looks more like a food baby at the moment!


Caz and I on the hard stuff...still and sparkling water!

Friday 23 November 2012

Forgetting to post!

So, it's been a while since I started this blog and I've totally forgotten to post things!
A few reasons...
Firstly, I have been sooo busy at work that other things have taken priority over my blogging.
I teach A level Film Studies at a sixth form college and have got so behind on my marking as every night I've been in bed and asleep by 8pm! Sooo tired.
Secondly, I've been suffering pretty badly with pregnancy related nausea. It has been horrendous and made me not want to do anything but lie down and moan!! These people who say being pregnant is a 'magical time' have clearly never suffered from morning sickness. Magical my arse!
So there are my excuses. I'm going to post more regularly as the marking is now up to date and for the last 10 days I have been nausea free! Wahoooooo! Cannot believe how ill I have felt.but hopefully a corner has been turned and I;m feeling great!

Now I want to start posting pics of outfits i've been wearing but then realised that posting every day would be near enough impossible so i've picked two of my favourite work outfits this week.

Check out those yellow heels! I love them! As you can see i'm partial to a pop of colour!
Thought i'd also post the pic featuring the purple coat as a student actually commented to say she thought I looked nice today. Head to toe Primark bar the Topshop pink shoes.
Luckily all clothes are still fitting... I wonder for how long??

Sunday 11 November 2012

First scan!

Going to have to work on these poses!
12 week scan outfit
H&M hat, Ray ban glasses, Primark blouse, tights and shoes,
Topshop necklace, H&M culottes and Superdry leather jacket


So, I found out I was pregnant on the 15th September after a week of feeling faint. As it had been both my sister in law’s birthdays that week, we (me and the husband) had been out for celebratory dinners a few times and I’d eaten pretty much everything on the ‘do not eat’ list for pregnant women. Pate, smoked salmon, parma ham, unpasteurised goats cheese, rare steak...you name it, I ate it...great start eh? Oh, by the way...did I mention I did a skydive while pregnant, just didn’t know it! Oops!
We’d also had a day at the races for my sister in laws 30th birthday and consumed A LOT of alcohol...Outfit: French Connection Penny dress (I have it in 3 colours and it’ll accommodate a bump I reckon for a few more months!), Chanel handbag- my pride and joy, H&M chunky necklace, Ray Ban sunglasses and animal print boots (which you can’t see on photo).
By the way, thats my friend in the photo wearing my dress (Oasis), she's pregnant too!

Anyway, we’ve now got to 3 months pregnant, had our 12 week scan and everything is going ok. So the blog is starting.