Welcome to my blog!

I decided to blog after finding out I was pregnant for the first time and thought it’d be fun. The main thing I wanted to do was document how my style evolved as my body changed and got bigger and bigger! Now baby Henry has arrived it's become a bit of a baby diary although I'll still try and add some post pregnancy clothes pics and other bits and bobs!

Thursday 28 February 2013

28 weeks

Outfits of the week!
Had our 28 week scan and baby actually yawned on the screen and then grabbed its leg and pulled it over its head! Crazy!
Sonographer called it 'he' not sure if it was a slip or they all get called 'he'. All is well, no worries regarding growth and they said baby is weighing about 2lbs 9 oz at the moment. I'm predicting a nearly 9 lb baby!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Monday 18 February 2013

Sunday 17 February 2013

Dog walking with Captain Jack

Two favourite winter coats... North Face arctic parka- warmest coat ever and a cheeky parka picked up for about £40quid in Barcelona. Teamed with the classic tall Hunter wellies.

Friday 15 February 2013

Yummy mummies!

Jeans and a plain t shirt for an afternoon catch up with the newest yummy mummies...

Bargain necklace!

Starting to get into my bright necklaces to match a neon t shirt. Need to invest in a few more.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Bump's getting big!

Having to resort to the old hair bobble trick to get away with my favourite black cigarette pants for work....

But I'm still in my heels! Yay!